What We Like

Learn About Our Favourites

Our Denture Clinics Are Found at Reservoir and Keysborough

Our Denture Recommendations

Our preferred dentures are made from a tough, resistant and extremely durable thermoplastic material. These types of dentures are much liked and appreciated by many of our patients as well.

What We Like

We show bias when it comes to partial dentures. We responsibly provide, and will continue to provide, all types of dentures, but when we get asked what we prefer, the flexible dentures win every time.

Why Our Bias?

Over many years, we have provided thousands of dentures to patients who have sought our services. The feedback we have received from people regarding flexible dentures has been very positive.

Flexible Dentures

Flexible dentures are not a new invention. In fact, they have been around since the early 1950s, but they were not taken up by dental practitioners with great enthusiasm as they were known to stain and deteriorate faster than other denture types. 

There was a belief that more ridged-type dentures would spread the load better across remaining teeth. This staining problem was primarily caused by smoking tobacco. Nowadays, we have improved cleaning solutions and have far fewer people smoking. The attitude has considerably changed, and this type of material is now widely used.
flexible dentures

Patient Requests

Losing your teeth is not a pleasant experience, especially when people are left with a poor smile. People request to have their smile restored back to a more natural-looking condition. They don’t like to show gaps. They ask not to show unpleasant metal hooks and clasps. They ask for tight, well-priced partial dentures with whiter or matched-coloured teeth.

Many want a "Hollywood smile." Appearance to some is more important than function.

Our Promise

At times, we may struggle to meet expectations, but using flexible dentures, we almost always succeed in providing you with full satisfaction and a great smile. We promise to work with you, and as long you work with us, the result will be great. We promise to provide you with any adjustments necessary and give you our full attention as we know how important your smile can be.
Professional Denture Advice Based On Our Experience
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